Part of the „Demolition, what then? X ideas for Schloss Platz“
ideas competition by Urban Catalyst
Im Rahmen des Ideenwettbewerbs „Abriss und dann? X-Ideen für den Schlossplatz”
von Urban Catalyst



A mountain formation arises out of Schlossplatz, laden with projections and desires, loaded with symbolism. In its inaccessible sheerness it withholds any kind of use. It becomes a place of myth and legend as no one can traverse it. It is an object of collective exclusion, collective attraction and collective imagination. Time brings with it new approaches to the place. Tunnels are dug as its painstaking occupation moves slowly forwards.

Als Ort aller Projektionen und Sehnsüchte, von Symboliken geladen und getragen entsteht am Schlossplatz in Berlin ein Bergmassiv. In unzugänglicher Steilheit verweigert sich der Ort der Nutzung. Weil keiner das Massiv durchqueren kann, wird es zu einem Ort der Mythen und Sagen. Ein Objekt kollektiver Ausgeschlossenheit, kollektiven Angezogenwerdens und kollektiver Imagination. Über die Zeit entsteht ein neuer Umgang mit dem Ort. Tunnel werden gegraben, die mühevolle Neubesetzung geht nur langsam voran.




The site of the work is the Palast der Republik and the Schloßplatz square in the center of berlin. The Palast contained the GDR parliament „Volkskammer“, a variety of cultural and entertaining programs. It was closed and started to be dismantled under the excuse of asbestos contamination. The demolition of this building is imminent. Historians, politcians, architects and feuilletonists are entangled in a discourse characterised by opposition: reconstruction of the prussian Schloß demolished in the 50s, leading to a building with a distinct form but no content; or the opposite: engage in a productive discourse to experiment and test potential cultural programs, that can sustain this site.

The proposal of central massif on the site introduces a hybrid approch. It is linking natural, landscape urban, and utopian ideas into one object. As a preview one mountain out of this massif was temorarily constructed in the summer 2005. In the multitude of programs and events in and around „der Berg„, „Gasthof Bergkristall“ and the „Bergcamp“ took their place just in front of the palast.

Get the PDF with exclusive analysis of all architects proposals of the time here: bergglueck_heute